Friday, April 02, 2004


"What happened?"

Paw asked Wayne as he opens the door.

"This?" Wayne raised his right arm.


"Bruise. Duh."

"What you did?" Paw questioned.

"I banged my wrist."


Wayne rolled his right wrist over and massage it with his left hand.

"Well... You know that pair of boots that I took to the shop? I got them back today. And like, I had them in a bag... And I was walking upstairs... swinging my right bag-carrying arm... Then after I opened the door, and turned... I banged my wrist against the edge of the wall."



Paw blinked his eyes.

Wayne looks at him.

Then Paw started to laugh.

"That's mean! You are suppose to say nice stuff to me. Like, 'Awe, are you feeling okay?' or offering a nice 'wrist-rub' - you know."

Paw: "My gosh, you are so weird. Why did you swing your arm going up the stairs?!"

Wayne: "Ever seen Wizard of Oz? Dorothy swung both of her arms as she jogged on the yellow brick road."

Paw: "............................"

Wayne: "..........................."

Paw blinks.

Wayne blinks back.

Paw: "Let's go."

Wayne: "Okay."

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