Saturday, February 14, 2004

No Good Facial

How can my blog be "WaterSea's Ocean Bloggie" if I don't talk about TOILETs? With much success with people's Google / Yahoo search on Toilets that lead to my blog, I've got to continue the tradition.

So, just a quick note, that the restroom here at the new place is.... Not pretty.

Aside from the mud-brown-ish color tiles all over the wall and floor.... The stall doors are super low. If you are standing up in the stall, 1/2 of your head is exposed to the public. Which means... You can pretty much tell who is in the stall based on the hair style.

So, yesterday, I've gotta go to the bathroom.... Since I felt uncomfortable taking my pants wide open in the restroom, I headed into one of the stalls.

As usual, the work has been super busy and stressful. But never less, I started to de-toxic myself.

Then I heard a voice coming out of the restroom...

It's him...! It's him!! It's my NY Manager. (I support two managers. One in NY, and the other in FL)

That was when I realized, I didn't really want him to see me walking out of the stall.

What if he thought I took a dump? What if he thinks I stink? What if... What if he start to chat with me about work in the damn restroom?!

I had to do something!

Then the door popped open.

I heard his foot step walking to the urinals.

Without exposing my face though the little openings of the door, and to avoid him seeing my head... I quickly bend my body over... Made sure that my head was not expose.

Since there were only two of us, I could totally hear what he was doing...

He first, un-buckled his belt... then he zipped down.....

The splashy splashy sound came afterwards... Then he start to hum...

La La La...

Then he zipped up....

The entire time, I had my head facing the toilet... Looking at my own urine...

Must be the Banana + Apple + Papaya smoothie that I had in the morning, the fume that came out of the toilet was driving me nuts.

I mean, why me?!... Why couldn't I just walk out of the stall and say... "Yo Man!" and pat him on the back?

Slowly... I heard him washing his hands at the sink... At the same time, I felt I was about to vomit...

Then he went... He walked out of the restroom...

I should be glad that I didn't had any Asparagus in the morning. Or else, it could have been worst.

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