Friday, December 05, 2003


(This is the entry that I didn’t quite finish from Friday at work)

Yesterday, I got off work a little late. Not because the work load that had been stressing me out. I actually lost track of time while I was chatting with Bruce online. (Without Instant Messenger, work would be so very boring)

Anyway, after we finished chatting, I shut down the computer, turned off the printer, locked up the cabinet containing my snacks and tea bags, and then rushed down to the first floor to catch the subway.

Everything went well; I caught up with almost everything in time. The Subway and the Train back home.

Like the usual me, I stroll down the stairs to where the train parked, and stepped in. I have had a long day, and felt really less-glamorous. Since my mustache grows very fast, I got my five o’clock shadow at 2 PM. My pale skin along with the dark eye sags made me look a zombie. Anyway, I took a couple zombie steps in the train, pretend to be looking for a seat, but I was really checking out the passengers to see which cabin is worth “standing” in.

So, I was strolling down the cabin, wearing my black long coat, gray scarf, inside, I was wearing my dark gray suit, white dress shirt and a gray/blue strap tie. Underneath my clothes, I was totally naked. Ahem. Down the first ¼ section of the cabin, I heard:


I stopped.

In my head, my brain start to analyze the tone, pitch and the accent of the voice, trying to identify the owner of the voice.

No Clue.

I turned.

I looked.

Okay, none of the faces matched my brainy database.

Then I looked toward the direction where the voice came from.

I saw a gentleman. Sitting near the window seat, looking at me.

I looked back and start to match his face with everyone that I know from work.

Nope. No match.

“Hi, I’m XXXXX!” he said.


I raised my eye brow, while filtering the names in my memory that matches his name.

The only XXXX I know is a girl. And she’s in California.

“I’m XXXXX…. (mixed with some noise on the train) and (more noise) ….blog!”


He read my BLOG!

I reached forward my right hand, offering him a handshake, but I quickly pulled back.

I forgot to take off my gloves. So I took off the black leather glove off my right hand with my left, and then reach my flesh covered hand to XXXXX.

We shook hand. And at the same time, I was filtering though the names of the fellow bloggers in my head.

Then it finally clicked.

XXXXX never blogged. But he had commented on my entries before.

So, I stood there, and start talking to XXXXX, who was sitting on the cabin seat, along with a total stranger stuck between us.

“Oh wow, I wasn’t expecting (Train Noise) (Train Noise) here (Train Noise) and (Train Noise)…”

The conversation carried on. I was totally comfortable standing while talking on the train. But XXXXX was more conscious of other people’s space around us. (I’m a motor mouth some times) Therefore, he got up and offered to chat at the ‘standing’ zone. (The entrance area of the train)

So we went there.

For a good 10-20 minutes, which seemed like forever, we were waiting for the Train to leave the tunnel, because the noise were extremely loud. But after that, we just kept on chatting and chatting and chatting and chatting and chatting until we have arrived at the stop.

Then I get to meet his partner, XXXXXX, whom, have also read my blog. XXXXX asked XXXXXX to guess who I was, but he couldn’t really match the face with the blog. The confused expression on his face was classic.

They offered me a ride back to my apartment and that was the end of the night.

I have told XXXXX that he was the first blogger (well, as described by himself, a blog commenter) that I ever met in person. (I’m sure that I have bumped into a lot of you at the Gay Life Expo, but I couldn’t identify / recognized.) Little did XXXXX realize that he was the very first person in my entire life that recognized and called me from my internet blog/website. I have been in the world of internet for ages, and my pictures are all over the place. I’ve never had anyone, came up to me on the street, and said “Hey! I know you!! You are Wayne!!”

I was really caught by surprised. First time ever, that someone I didn’t know or never seen, actually knew me. (Surprised, Positive Reaction. Shocked, Negative Reaction. I was surprised.)

XXXXX is a very nice and friendly guy. XXXXXX is too! I’m glad that I had the chance to meet such wonderful people. HI XXXXX Hi XXXXXX! Are you guys Reading this?!

Ahem. If you see me on the street, don’t hesitate to say Hi! I don’t bite, really. I mean, I don’t bite when I’m fully clothed.

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