Monday, October 06, 2003

The Pretty Pills

I went to the company Doctor last Thursday. Since, most likely, my primary care physician will send me to a specialist, I might well get a referral from the company doctor, and then get on the ‘waiting list’ for the specialist early. I mean, I have already been waiting for about a month to see my primary care physician, who knows how long it will take for me to finally get to the specialist.

Anyway, it turned out, that the handsome Italian company Doctor cannot refer me to any specialist. Only the PCP (Primary Care Physician) can do that. Oh well, too bad. But at least, I get to meet the handsome Italian company Doctor.

Oh, status? Sure!

Let me see, I think he’s around mid 30’s, about 5’8, 160-165 lbs, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and dark brown beard around the edge of his face and his lips. He also has broad shoulders and nice strong arms. He really reminded me of the cover model on one of those Just For Men hair coloring products.

But not my type.

Anyway, that coolest thing is, he told me what his assumption is, and this is a re-occurrence of the problem that happened to me, twice in the past. (Yep, I just remembered the same happened to me when I was in college!) He also tell me what I should tell my PCP in my discomfort description and health history. Before I leave his office, he gave me a little envelope. (damn, not his phone number?!) In the envelope, there were three royal purple colored pills.

“Samples. Take one 30 minutes before you eat anything. Continue to take these until you see your PCP.”

Yep. The pills are so pretty. So pretty, that I didn’t have the heart to finish them all.

Well, it’s Monday morning, and I ran out of the pills. Yep. I ate all of them during the weekend. When it comes to upset stomach, you eat whatever to make your tummy feel good.

Argh. Two more days until my appointment, and I need those pills. Ahhh…

I think I’ll go get the drugs during the lunch hour.

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