Thursday, October 02, 2003


Well, good news. Since the male love bird basically, lives with us. (He comes over 6 days a week, and pretty much, stayed over night) – that my sister, decided, it is time to get a new place.

Yes. New Place.

New Apartment, maybe.

The current STUDIO apartment is really causing us a lot of pain.

I mean, the two love birds cuddle on the singe-person bed, is a pain.

He's back is in pain.

Her's too.

Me, sleeping on the “2nd floor” – where there are basically ZERO air circulation, is a pain.

The two, can’t really show a lot of affection toward each other, because of my presence. Is a pain.

Me, waking up, took my shower, and unable to walk around in my underwear is a pain.

So, we are going to find a new place. In the same city, still on Long Island, and – move in.

Yes. We are. Finally.

Either I get the living room (if we get a 1 bed room apartment) or my own room (two bed rooms) – I’d be happy. I need my personal space, and this is probably the next best thing that will ever happen to me here in New York.

Hopefully, we will be able to find and move into the new place before the end of the year.

……………. Oh crap, we have to wait until our current contract expire first…………


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