Thursday, September 29, 2005

Remembrance I: Pre-China Show

It has been way too long since I left the country.

That was exactly what I had in mind when I read the Airline booking confirmation.
I wasn't sure if I could handle the 15 hours of flight to China.

But the idea of a vacation got me excited. Just be able to get out of work for a while - out of New York.
Plus, it would be a family trip that my Dad had always wanted.


My mom, Sis, and I moved to the United States when I was 10 years old. While my Dad remained in Taiwan to work and send $$$ back.
Now to think back, I don't even remember why we decided to move to the United States, and for what purpose.

Perhaps, for a better life. (But Taiwan wasn't bad either. In the late 80's, Taipei has already established itself as one of the $-Cities in the financial world - Back then, everyone was "made in Taiwan" --now days, it's all "made in China")

So my Dad flew back and forth between US and Taiwan for the last 16 years. Every time when he visited US, he could only stay for a week, then he had to fly back to work.

SO, we're very excited about this trip. Especially my dad. He started packing 3 months before the trip.

But again, since it will the first time that all four of us stuck on the same tour bus (and plane) - We expected there to be lots of arguments, fighting, screaming and shopping.

So, the day has finally came.

The Female Love Bird and I packed our beloved luggages. The Male Love Bird drove us to the airport - then we checked it.

Wait, we checked in the next day, cause we missed our flight. (Yeah, I know, it's the traffic!! The traffic!!!!)

We dragged our luggages, went though the security, seated at the waiting area - and looked forward for the our 5 hours flight to California.

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