Saturday, December 20, 2003

Holiday Beauty Contest

Around the cubical floor, on the cabinet, on top of the drawer, and on the border where the cubical meets… Everyone has been decoration their own space with shades Christmas.

Coming into the office today, really reminded me that the Holiday season has arrived. And, today is my LAST working day in 2003. After today, I’ll be going on my fabulous vacation. Where am I going? Oh, I’m going home. (You think I can afford going to Europe again? The trip I had drained my bank account)

Which, also means, that I will not be blogging for a while. (I will return on the first Monday of 2004)

Anyway, it has been like a tradition here at work, of giving out Christmas cards. People who have their own office, tape the cards on the door. Us cubical people, would either tape it on the side of the wall, or have the cards stand on top of our cabinets. More and more people would purchase box set of cards from the 99 cents store, and give them out. Hoping they will get one in return.

The cards usually contain the following:

To Name:


From Name:

Nothing else. They don’t even bother to write Happy New Year or Holidays.

Myself, on the other hand, I wold include the TO and FROM names, and also few words of holiday greetings. Depends on whom the card is for, I sometime include drawings of a smiley, big nose deer, or stick-figure Santa. (See, I’m a very thoughtful person.)

I gave them out yesterday. All of my two boxes of cards. Not that I wanted to be Mr. Popular or Mr. Who-Wants-To-Kiss-Up-To-Me 2003, I just want to express my appreciation to my co-workers. Besides, this will be the time I will be giving them any cards. (My unit is moving, remember?)

This morning, I walked into my cubical, and found nothing on my desk.


I was a little saddened by the fact that no one gives a damn about my presence.

Seriously, I have tried really hard to be as superficial as possible. I’ve always pretend that I really enjoyed their company, had fun chatting, glad to work with them… I never give them attitudes or tell them how loud they were. I thought they would think I’m sweet, shy and totally innocent. They all knew that my unit is moving soon, and none of them care. What is going on?!

No wonder my co-worker (of the same unit), Ms. Flower said: “No One Here is Your Friend. Trust NO ONE!�


Click Here to view the e-Card I made.

Happy Holidays, Everyone. Be Good, Be Safe, and Enjoy. I will see you all in year 2004!

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