Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Excuse Me

I am currently stuck at a Training Session since early this morning. Thanks to the new department management. Everyone in the systems group is required to attend.

Like a good boy that I have always been (uh-huh) - I arrived at the training room on time. Not a minute early, not a minute late. (Despite that this training took place outside of NYC. I had to take the train from Long Island to the city, and then take the subway to where I work. Grabbed my damn notes. Then walked all the way to the Ferry, and took the little bumpy ferry boat ride to this building with no cafeteria.)

It turned out that only 60% of the student showed up. I was totally cool with that. Less people, less chance that I will get caught checking my emails and surfing the web.

Though out the entire morning, I was as cool as a cucumber. (Don't ask me what this mean. I heard this expression from the commentator during the Summer Olympics, before Shannon Miller start her floor exercise.) But I was quiet, fast (I kept the record of being the first trainee to finish the in-class room exercise), and professional. (I was the only person who wore suit to the class. I forgot that we can wear semi-casual wear to training.)

So I was very cool in the early morning. And then some what cool around 10:30 AM, and then I can feel the pressure underneath my eyes around noon.

I have always been a morning person. During the weekdays, whenever the clock reached 2 PM, my brain start fall asleep. I would get really sleepy.

It was around 2:30 PM, and we were assigned to do the in-class exercise #5. Again, I was full speed ahead of other students.

I did part four.

And yawned a little.

I did part five.

I yawned a little again.

After I completed part six, my mouth automatically stretched itself out.

Yes. I was yawning. All of the sudden, I had this sudden force rushing up against my throat.

Then it happened...


In my head, I was screaming "Ginger Ale!"

Then words came out of my mouth:

"Oh Shit!"


"Ahem. I mean, Excuse Me."

To embarrassed to check out fellow classmate's reaction, I kept my eyes focused on the monitor.

They were pretty quiet, but who knows what was in their mind or what they will gossip about after the class?!

Oh well. So here I am, finished in-class exercise #6 already, and also finished writing this entry.

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