Friday, September 05, 2003

Because I'm not done with my other long long long blog entries, I stole this survey from Akasha's site.

10 bands you've been listening a lot to lately:

1. Thalia
2. Maya
3. Opera Babes
4. Hikaru Utada
5. Seiko
6. Ken Hirai
7. Janet Jackson
8. Some Dance Track
9. Some Dance Track
10. Ayumi Hamasaki

09 things you look forward to:

1. See Paw
2. Sleep
3. Hang out with Friends
4. Sleep
5. Sleep
6. Play Freedom Force
7. Sleep
8. Sleep
9. Go Clubbing

08 things you like to wear:

1. Bath Towl
2. Cologne
3. Loose and Comfy Pants
4. King's New Dress
5. Express Men
6. Banana Republic
7. Battle Boots
8. Tank Top

07 things that annoy you:

1. Masquitos
2. Humid Weather
3. Rain
4. Sarcastic Bitch like myself. (Sorry, but there can only be ONE queen)
5. Manager not doing a good managing job
6. Male Love Bird's sarcastic brainless comments.
7. Being accused of something that I didn't do.

06 things you say most days:

1. "Shit"
2. "Damn it"
3. "Hello, this is Wayne"
4. "Fuck-N-A"
5. "Gawd!"
6. "Ok"

05 things you do everyday:

1. Shower
2. Massage my scalp with healthy scalp conditioner.
3. Read blogs when Internet is available. Other wise, write blog entries on Word
4. Look at pictures of my doggie
5. Check Email/Voice Mail

04 people you want to spend more time with:

1. Mama & Dada
2. Mah Doggie
3. Friends
4. Paw

03 movies you could watch over and over again:

1. The Little Mermaid
2. Splash
3. Batman II

02 of your favorite songs at the moment:

1. "Don't Look Back" by Thalia
2. "Things come and go" by Maya

01 person you could spend the rest of your life with:

1. I don't know.

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